Learn MORE - Oxylent

Oxylent's mission statement
Oxylent's goal is to support optimal health by providing exceptional quality and innovative products worldwide. They use only the highest quality ingredients in their most absorbable form in order to deliver a product of unsurpassed quality and efficacy.
Meet the founder and ceo: LISA LENT
Lisa Lent doesn’t just have a passion for world travel, it’s in her DNA. Born in San Francisco to an American father and Norwegian mother, she grew up in an environment that combined traditional European customs with the drive and tenacity that fuel the western world.
In 2000, while based in London and flying as an international flight attendant, Lisa developed multiple clots, known as pulmonary embolus, in her lungs. She immediately sought medical treatment for her condition and began to explore what factors may have contributed to her deteriorating health and well-being. In her 20’s, she knew her profession was a contributing factor. She learned that low oxygen, cabin pressure, dehydration, and radiation can lead to many different types of health issues. It was then that she began the search for the ultimate supplement that could support her well-being amid the stressful environment she had been working in.
Lisa harnessed her drive, experience in travel, and desire for optimum health initiating the development of Vitalah®, which launched its first product in 2009. Oxylent® was initially created for those who love to travel, and has now become one of the ultimate nutritional supplements for everyday life. As anyone who has taken an idea from conception to fruition knows, it takes the support of mentors and friends to survive the long journey. Lisa credits the guidance from leading nutritional companies in the industry with nurturing Oxylent’s success. Lisa has been forever changed by their assistance and is grateful for their help in making the dream of a comprehensive daily multivitamin come alive.
We are committed to bringing the latest science within personal nutrition to consumers worldwide. Oxylent, a unique blend of high-quality essential nutrients, creates a synergistic environment through an effective vitamin powder, enabling the body to function at peak levels. We are very excited to put the convenience of health and wellness into a single, portable packet. The vital ingredients create the hydrating atmosphere our bodies crave to oxygenate, circulate, and rejuvenate cells for total well-being.
Since 2009, Vitalah® has been delivering award-winning formulas with the latest science in personal nutrition to consumers worldwide. Lisa’s initial drive and persistence has lead Vitalah’s dedicated team to support and reach millions of consumers and receive the high quality nutritional formulas they deserve.
Why do so many medical professionals and consumers choose Oxylent products? Read below for just a few of the reasons why Oxylent supplements are a superior multivitamin with optimum bioavailabiliy and unsurpassed antioxidant power!
REASON 1 / Full spectrum vitamin/mineral drink
Oxylent is a full-spectrum/complete/comprehensive multivitamin. It delivers a full panel of nutrients that are essential to biochemical and metabolic function.
Oxylent drinks are full spectrum vitamins and minerals with superior ingredients that include: Calcium, Vitamin C, Ctrus Boflavonoids, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum, Potassium, Sodium, Boron, Vitamin D3, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Arginine, Lysine, and CoQ10.
(top of page)REASON 2 / Inclusion of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
The 1969 discovery of superoxide dismutase has been called “the most important discovery of modern biology never to win a Nobel Prize.”
SOD Antioxidants provide crucial support for health and wellness because they help protect our healthy cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. SOD antioxidants neutralize the most common free radicals in the body, which are named superoxide radicals. In fact, each and every I.U. of superoxide dismutase eliminates billions of free radicals in the body.
The benefits of supplementing with SOD antioxidants are backed by solid scientific research. Recent scientific studies have shown that supplementing with superoxide dismutase supports energy, mood, sleep, concentration, memory, sports performance and recovery, immunity, and cardiovascular health.
Superoxide Dismutase is also one of the things that make Oxylent’s vitamin packs such a unique daily multivitamin. In addition to a full panel of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and amino acids, Oxylent contains 20 I.U. of SOD antioxidants—all in one delicious drink!
Since 2009 Oxylent products have won dozens of awards for quality, purity, and taste. Check out just a few of Oxylent's awards:
- 2017 Taste for Life - Woman's Essentials Award - Winner in Pregnancy Category
- 2017 Delicious Living Supplement Award - Best new Sports Supplement
- 2016 Delicious Living Supplement Award - Best new Sports Supplement
- 2016 Vity Awards Winner
- 2014 Top 4 Multivitamins
- 2014 Clean Choice Award
- 2014 Delicious Living Supplement Award - Best new Sports Supplement
- 2013 Better Nutrition Best of Supplements Award
- 2013 Taste for Life Summer Essentials Award
- 2013 Delicious Living Supplement Award
- 2013 Life Essentials Award
- 2011 AKA Approval
- 2010 Better Nutrition Best of Supplement Award
Using only top quality ingredients that are easily absorbed, Oxylent's vitamin supplement is made exclusively with Albion Minerals, and has received Albion’s Gold Medallion, which recognizes products for excellence in mineral fortification. Albion® Human Nutrition is the most established and globally recognized leader in the chelate industry. Albion is the first bis-glycinate chelate manufacturer to be approved by EFSA, European Food Safety Authority.
(top of page)REASON 5 / Third-party testing
Third-party testing is an unbiased quality check by an authorized independent testing laboratory. All of Oxylent's health supplements are independently tested for potency and purity, including comprehensive tests such as heavy metal testing. They require these vigorous tests to ensure our high-quality standards are met. Oxylent has been shown to be an exceptionally pure vitamin powder, containing no detectable toxins, and has also been proven to maintain the potency listed on the label. As it is intended to be consumed as vitamin drink, we recommend you consume Oxylent shortly after it dissolves in the water.
Using only top quality ingredients that are easily absorbed, Oxylent is made exclusively with Albion Minerals, and has received Albion’s Gold Medallion, which recognizes products for excellence in mineral fortification. Albion® Human Nutrition is the most established and globally recognized leader in the chelate industry. Albion is the first bis-glycinate chelate manufacturer to be approved by EFSA, European Food Safety Authority.
(top of page)REASON 7 / unique effervescent powder form
Effervescent powder form has many benefits for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the powder form improves the bio-availability of vitamins and minerals because: (1) powder form supplements are produced with less processing of the ingredients (including avoiding excessive heat and binder ingredients such as cellulose), (2) less time elapses between blending and processing which reduces the exposure of the ingredients to air, and (3) the powder form is better absorbed by the body because it does not need to be broken down by the stomach acids to be absorbed in the small intestine—an advantage especially important for people with digestive difficulties. Additionally, the powdered, effervescent delivery system is a convenient way for parents to give children the essential vitamins and minerals they need, as well as a useful option for an aging population that finds swallowing and absorption more challenging. The reduced carbon footprint of powder-form supplements is also an increasingly important benefit. Powdered vitamins and minerals are a more environmentally sustainable form of supplementation, as they require less energy and expense to produce, less fuel and thus less emissions to transport, and don’t require petroleum-based plastic bottles.
(top of page)REASON 8 / Superior ABSORPTION
Effervescence does more than just transform taking a multivitamin into a more enjoyable experience; it is also more effective than pills. Studies show that effervescence significantly improves absorption, which is why research forecasts it as the future delivery system of choice. Oxylent uses this revolutionary delivery system to deliver a daily multivitamin of unsurpassed quality and effectiveness.
There is some evidence that the effervescent delivery system of Oxylent—specifically the presence of CO2—also increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, even in the absence of food. A published study showed that the CO2 bubbles enhanced the absorption of hydrophobic compounds, which included fat-soluble vitamins, in the small intestines. The mechanism that the researchers suggested as a possible explanation is the following: “CO2 molecules partition within the cell membrane producing an increased hydrophobic environment,” which leads to enhanced absorption of hydrophobic compounds (i.e. fat soluble vitamins).
(top of page)To answer many common questions about Oxylent in a way that is convenient and accessible, we've grouped them according to the following categories:
general questions
what is oxylent?
Oxylent is a revolutionary approach to total well-being. Based upon the latest nutritional science, Oxylent provides complete, synergistic, cellular nutrition in a highly absorbable form. A single effervescent packet of Oxylent dissolves quickly in water to provide a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes that promote oxygenation, hydration, circulation, and rejuvenation.
how does oxylent work?
The high quality ingredients in Oxylent work in harmony with your body’s chemistry to create a balanced atmosphere for your body to function properly. Oxylent replenishes your body with a synergistic blend of the essential nutrients it needs to repair itself and return to homeostasis and optimal health.
What makes Oxylent unique to other supplements?
Oxylent is unique both because of its blend of essential ingredients and its highly absorbable delivery system. The minerals used in Oxylent are sourced from Albion. These ultimate mineral forms gained notoriety because of their superior bioavailability.
Albion® Human Nutrition is the most established and globally recognized leader in the chelate industry. Albion is the first bis-glycinate chelate manufacturer to be approved by EFSA, European Food Safety Authority.
In addition to several essential vitamins, Oxylent provides the unique ingredients, SOD and catalase, which are naturally occurring enzymes that protect cell membranes from oxidative damage. Superoxide Dismutase and catalase work together to promote the conversion of toxins into beneficial oxygen and water. Catalase’s powerful anti-aging action also works in harmony with the potent antioxidant, CoQ10, and the amino acid, L-Arginine. Together, they support healthy circulation and metabolism, to synergistically oxygenate, hydrate, circulate, and rejuvenate every cell in your body. Oxylent’s effervescent powder form also sets it apart from other supplements, providing a delivery system that far surpasses pill, tablet, or capsule form.
What was the inspiration behind the development of Oxylent?
The founder of Vitalah’s passion for health grew significantly after her life as a world traveler led to persistent health issues. After searching the world for the perfect solution, she was inspired to develop what she needed in order to gain optimal health. It was then that she formed a team of leading health professionals to create the unique product now known as Oxylent. Oxylent incorporates the most recent nutritional science to deliver a new generation of health supplements. A single effervescent packet of Oxylent dissolves quickly in water and provides an optimum blend of vital nutrients to assist in hydration, oxygenation, circulation, and rejuvenation. It supports the body during stress, whether from air travel or a demanding lifestyle. What was initially created for those who love to travel has become the ultimate nutritional supplement for everyday life.
is oxylent beneficial for your health?
Yes, the health benefits associated with drinking Oxylent are countless. You may feel some positive effects, such as increased energy, clearer thinking, and overall well-being.
Is Oxylent good for children? Is Oxylent safe to take if pregnant or nursing?
We recommend checking with your primary care provider before starting any new supplement. Our research shows numerous benefits for pregnant/lactating women as well as children.
how is oxylent anti-aging?
Age is much more than just a number. We all know someone who looks older than their age, as well as someone who can pass for being ten years younger than they actually are. Simple choices in our everyday lives can go a long way towards delaying aging, looking younger, and feeling revitalized.
How does Oxylent compare to Cell Food multivitamin?
We do not doubt that Cell Food multivitamin is a great choice for some people. But we also know that Oxylent offers advantages that Cell Food multivitamin cannot.
According to the supplement facts for Cell Food multivitamin, their product contains 100% RDA of 12 vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and 8 B-vitamins. These are important vitamins that are crucial to health. However, we believe that Oxylent offers more comprehensive nutritional support; in addition to vitamins Oxylent also offers a full panel of Albion® minerals, as well as antioxidant enzymes and amino acids.
One of the things that makes Oxylent’s formula unique is the inclusion of 20 I.U. of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), which is statistically shown to contain 3 I.U. of Catalase. These enzymes represent the most powerful antioxidant enzymes in the body, and each I.U. catalyzes the elimination of billions of free radicals.
Another advantage of Oxylent is that our minerals are Albion® minerals. Albion is one of the highest regarded mineral manufacturers not only among naturopathic doctors and the natural health industry, but also in the pharmaceutical industry as well. The reason is because of the overwhelming depth of science behind Albion minerals’ superior absorption and effectiveness. Absorption is a particularly important issue for minerals, since even in optimal conditions minerals are often only moderately well absorbed. Albion is the inventor of a process called chelation that transforms minerals from their inorganic form to an organic form that is easily absorbed across the intestinal wall. Albion also holds a U.S. patent guaranteeing the absorption and metabolism of their mineral-amino acid chelates.
For these reasons Oxylent is a superior quality multivitamin/mineral supplement that is an excellent choice for a wide variety of people. Of course every individual is different, as we always recommend having your micronutrient status tested by your health care provider, who may recommend supplementation of specific nutrients in addition to a comprehensive daily multivitamin/mineral.
Is Oxylent a “Full-Spectrum” multivitamin?
Yes, Oxylent is a full-spectrum/complete/comprehensive multivitamin. It delivers a full panel of nutrients that are essential to biochemical and metabolic function. Of course we also acknowledge that it doesn’t contain every nutrient required—no multivitamin can.
The term “full-spectrum” does not have a standard or scientific definition (such as which nutrients it must contain and at what levels). The term can thus refer to products of varied formulas. Multivitamins with very different formulas can all be referred to as full-spectrum. Every multivitamin formula is different; every manufacturer makes different decisions about which nutrients and at what levels but, yes, Oxylent is a “full-spectrum” multivitamin.
Has Vitalah thought about an “intensive stress formula”?
Because of our unique inclusion of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase, Oxylent already is an intensive stress formula. In addition to 100% or more of the B vitamins, Oxylent contains 20 I.U. of Superoxide Dismutase, which statistically is shown to contain 3 I.U. of Catalase. In fact, a study with healthy adults found that daily supplementation of microencapsulated Superoxide Dismutase for four weeks had positive effects on stress and fatigue. (Milesi MA, et al. Nutr J 2009,15:8:40.)
Taking 2 packets a day instead of 1 is one way to intensify the level of stress support (and increase the daily supplementation of SOD), when traveling, exercising, experiencing loss of sleep, or otherwise experiencing high levels of physical, emotional, or cognitive stress.
(top of page)questions about ABSORPTION, TASTE, AND DIRECTIONS
Why are vitamins in powder form so beneficial?
Effervescent powder form has many benefits for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the powder form improves the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals because: (1) powder form supplements are produced with less processing of the ingredients (including avoiding excessive heat and binder ingredients such as cellulose), (2) less time elapses between blending and processing which reduces the exposure of the ingredients to air, and (3) the powder form is better absorbed by the body because it does not need to be broken down by the stomach acids to be absorbed in the small intestine—an advantage especially important for people with digestive difficulties. Additionally, the powdered, effervescent delivery system is a convenient way for parents to give children the essential vitamins and minerals they need, as well as a useful option for an aging population that finds swallowing and absorption more challenging. The reduced carbon footprint of powder-form supplements is also an increasingly important benefit. Powdered vitamins and minerals are a more environmentally sustainable form of supplementation, as they require less energy and expense to produce, less fuel and thus less emissions to transport, and don’t require petroleum-based plastic bottles.
how does oxylent taste?
Oxylent tastes like fresh, sun-ripened fruit on a summer day! You’ll find it tastes so good, it will be your drink of choice.
For an athlete, when is the best time to take Oxylent?
According to Dr. Smith, DC, DCARB, "During a workout the body eliminates essential minerals through perspiration. It is not possible to pre-load minerals, in anticipation of depletion, therefore the ideal time to take your Oxylent is following a work out. Endurance athletes such as long distance runners and triathletes may increase their performance by taking Oxylent during the long work out. This may assist in avoiding extreme depletion.”
How long does the product last once it is in water?
For maximum benefits, we recommend drinking Oxylent soon after mixing.
Can caffeine interfere with the absorption of minerals?
There is some research supporting a deleterious effect of caffeine on mineral absorption and status, particularly calcium and magnesium (and vitamin D receptors as well), but the mechanism is still not clear and the topic is somewhat controversial.
In general, though, caffeine can be considered one of the many factors that can inhibit mineral absorption and metabolism. Lifestyle factors such as alcohol and smoking, environmental factors such as pollution and toxin exposures, health issues affecting kidney and gastrointestinal health, and all forms of physical and emotional stress can negatively impact our bodies’ ability to absorb minerals. In addition, some widely used medications such as antibiotics, beta-blockers, thyroid drugs, antacids, osteoporosis drugs, and diuretics can all inhibit absorption and deplete minerals. Even the natural substances in grains and vegetables—such as phytic acid and oxalic acid—can inhibit mineral absorption. Furthermore, minerals can also compete with each other in the intestinal wall or interact with each other chemically. For example, zinc can decrease the absorption of iron and copper, and calcium can reduce absorption of iron and zinc.
Thus, even if we are consuming adequate amounts of minerals (which many of us are not) it is likely that we may not absorb them efficiently.
That’s why Vitalah’s choice to use Albion® Minerals in our Oxylent multivitamin drinks is so important, and really sets us apart. Vitalah chooses this form because of the overwhelming depth of scientific research behind it. Albion is the only manufacturer that has proven that its mineral chelates are effective and safe, with over 180 scientific articles. Only Albion guarantees that their chelates will be absorbed and metabolized by the human body. That’s a strong statement, and they have a recent patent to back it up. It is crucial to note that all published research on chelated minerals has been conducted using Albion Minerals. What this means is that other companies claiming to produce chelates use Albion’s research to give their products credibility.
Can Oxylent be taken on an empty stomach?
Because Oxylent utilizes Calcium Ascorbate as its vitamin C source, it could be easily taken on an empty stomach. Calcium Ascorbate is buffered and less acidic, allowing it to be more gentle and easier on the stomach than the more commonly used form of vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid.
Any supplement that is taken with food may aid and assist in better absorption. However, because Oxylent uses only high-quality ingredients like Calcium Ascorbate and Albion Minerals, and utilizes effervescent technology, it can be consumed on any empty stomach for superior absorption as well.
Please note that every person’s body is different and may react differently. If taking Oxylent on an empty stomach does not work for you, try drinking Oxylent as a functional beverage with your breakfast, lunch, or a snack! You may also feel a burst of energy due to the B vitamins. We always recommend taking Oxylent in the morning or early afternoon.
Is Oxylent well absorbed even on an empty stomach?
Water-soluble vitamins (vitamin C, B vitamins) are absorbed well on an empty stomach. In fact, with Oxylent’s effervescent delivery system the absorption begins immediately, right in the mouth.
Fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamin D) are generally better absorbed when taken along with food or a snack containing some dietary fat. However, there is some evidence that the effervescent delivery system of Oxylent—specifically the presence of CO2—also increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, even in the absence of food. A published study showed that the CO2 bubbles enhanced the absorption of hydrophobic compounds, which included fat-soluble vitamins, in the small intestines.
The mechanism that the researchers suggested as a possible explanation is the following: “CO2 molecules partition within the cell membrane producing an increased hydrophobic environment,” which leads to enhanced absorption of hydrophobic compounds (i.e. fat soluble vitamins).
Thus, while it is still ideal to take Oxylent with food or a snack, there is reason to believe that the vitamin D in Oxylent is still absorbable even on an empty stomach.
Do I need to take my multivitamin with Oxylent?
Oxylent is itself a daily multivitamin, and would therefore take the place of any multivitamin you are currently taking. In fact, Oxylent is a new generation of multivitamin that replaces pills. With Oxylent, your experience of taking a daily multivitamin is transformed—from taking pills to enjoying a tasty sparkling beverage. Each packet of Oxylent mixes with water to create a sparkling, effervescent drink that contains a full panel of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, antioxidants, and electrolytes—all in one delicious drink.
Effervescence does more than just transform taking a multivitamin into a more enjoyable experience; it is also more effective than pills. Studies show that effervescence significantly improves absorption, which is why research forecasts it as the future delivery system of choice. Oxylent uses this revolutionary delivery system to deliver a daily multivitamin of unsurpassed quality and effectiveness.
Along with a well balanced diet and making healthy choices, Oxylent daily multivitamin drink provides your body with a unique formula of essential nutrients needed daily, including B vitamins, vitamins C and D, zinc, selenium, L-arginine, and the most powerful antioxidant on the planet—Superoxide Dismutase. Of course we always recommend consulting with your physician or other healthcare provider about any multivitamin or supplement you choose, as well as getting your nutrient levels checked to clearly understand what your body requires.
How long does the product last once it is in water?
For maximum benefits, we recommend drinking Oxylent soon after mixing.
How Immediately are the B Vitamins Absorbed for Cellular Energy?
The answer to this question may vary significantly from person to person and each individual’s physiology of absorption, metabolism, and excretion. We do know however that B vitamins are absorbed significantly faster via effervescent technology than via traditional delivery systems like pills or tablets. In most cases B vitamins will be absorbed quite quickly and can get into your tissues within minutes of drinking. One way of determining this is to measure time to peak excretion of a B vitamin, since in order to be excreted the vitamin must first be absorbed into your bloodstream/general circulation and then filtered through your kidneys. After oral supplementation of thiamin (vitamin B-1), for example, peak excretion has been observed to occur in approximately 2 hours, with excretion being nearly complete after 4 hours. Keep in mind, however, that if someone has existing underlying deficiencies it may take weeks or months to correct.
Will the Vitamin D in Oxylent still be absorbed if not taken with fat?
Yes, but it is generally ideal to take Oxylent along with food or a snack containing some dietary fat, which helps your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamin D across the intestinal wall. There is some evidence, however, that Oxylent’s effervescent delivery system may increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D even in the absence of food—a recent study showed that the CO2 bubbles from effervescence increased absorption even on an empty stomach.
(top of page)questions about product ingredients
Does Oxylent contain caffeine? Is there any gluten or wheat in Oxylent?
No, Oxylent contains no caffeine and is gluten free.
does oxylent contain sugar?
l Oxylent formulas contain NO SUGAR and are naturally sweetened with stevia only.
is the product organic or all natural?
Multivitamins of this nature can rarely claim to be natural because they require higher potency nutrients that simply cannot be obtained directly from the original source—even though they might be synthesized from a “natural” source.
What causes the effervescence?
Effervescent fizz is caused by a simple chemical reaction: An organic food acid mixes with a carbonate salt, which releases carbon dioxide gas. Water is needed to start the reaction; without water, neither the food acid nor the carbonate can dissociate, and the effervescent reaction cannot start.
Could stevia be associated with the water/fluid retention I’ve experienced?
We’re very sorry to hear this, as we have never heard of any such reactions from stevia or from drinking Oxylent, but it is highly unlikely that water retention is linked to stevia.
In fact, stevia is actually associated with exactly the opposite—a number of published studies show stevia to have diuretic actions. This research suggests that stevia would induce water release, not water retention. (See the following review study for further information and references: Chatsudthipong V, Muanprasat C, Stevioside and related compounds: therapeutic benefits beyond sweetness. Pharmacol Ther2009 Jan; 121(1):41-54. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2008.09.007.)
Of course it is very difficult to say with any certainty at all what may be trigger water retention in any given person, as there is such a wide variation between individuals, health status/history, biochemistry, etc. Legally we must also state that any information we provide does not replace medical advice or treatment, and all patients should always consult with their healthcare provider before using any dietary supplement.
Again, we’re very sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience. We’re very sensitive to using only the purest, safest, highest quality ingredients in Oxylent—with no preservatives, additives, GMOs, or any of the major allergens identified by the Food Allergen and Labeling Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). One of the many reasons we choose only the highest quality ingredients and nutrient forms in Oxylent is to reduce the chance of any such unfortunate incidents.
Could stevia be associated with the water/fluid retention I’ve experienced?
Again, we’re very sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience. We’re very sensitive to using only the purest, safest, highest quality ingredients in Oxylent—with no preservatives, additives, GMOs, or any of the major allergens identified by the Food Allergen and Labeling Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). One of the many reasons we choose only the highest quality ingredients and nutrient forms in Oxylent is to reduce the chance of any such unfortunate incidents.
Again, we’re very sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience. We’re very sensitive to using only the purest, safest, highest quality ingredients in Oxylent—with no preservatives, additives, GMOs, or any of the major allergens identified by the Food Allergen and Labeling Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). One of the many reasons we choose only the highest quality ingredients and nutrient forms in Oxylent is to reduce the chance of any such unfortunate incidents.
After Absorption of Amino Acid-Metal Chelate in the Intestine How Does it Get Dissociated into Metal and Amino Acid?
The mineral and the amino acid components of the chelates are metabolized by the body like any mineral and amino acids are once they are inside the intestinal cells. The amino acid ligands allow the minerals to be carried into the intestinal cell (through the the microvilli), but once they are in the cell they are used as any minerals or amino acids are. The particular amino acid used by Albion to create their mineral-amino acid chelates is Glycine, which not only increases absorption but is also of nutritional value for the body—it’s essential to maintaining a healthy central nervous system and it is used to create tissue and convert glucose into energy.
For more information on the process of absorption, please see the FAQ page of the Albion Minerals website.
6 Reasons Why Albion® Ferrochel® is a Better Form of Iron
Albion® Ferrochel® (ferrous bis-glycinate chelate) offers several key advantages over typical iron supplements—thanks to its chelated form. Like all Albion minerals, Ferrochel is chelated to produce a mineral supplement of superior quality and results.
(1) Safer
Your body absorbs only what it needs Ferrochel’s chelate structure allows your body’s iron stores to control how much iron is absorbed, so that you don’t absorb too much. Research shows that there is a mechanism in the intestinal wall which controls the amount of iron absorbed from Ferrochel, based upon the body’s iron levels. A body suffering from iron deficiency may uptake 90% of the iron from Ferrochel, while a body that is not deficient may uptake only the amount needed to offset losses in metabolism.
(2) Less Gastrointestinal Upset (e.g. nausea and/or constipation)
Studies have found fewer instances of gastrointestinal upset with Ferrochel than with ferrous sulfate, which is typically associated with constipation and/or nausea. This is a huge advantage for pregnant women, who can take Prenatal Oxylent without worrying that the iron will cause nausea and/or constipation.
(3) No Taste
A study of iron supplementation in pregnant women found that 29.8% of women stopped taking a typical iron supplement (ferrous sulfate) due to taste—compared to none of the women taking Ferrochel.
(4) More Effective—even with a lower dose
Ferrochel’s chelated form significantly increases absorption through the intestinal wall compared to typical iron supplements. A study comparing the effectiveness of Ferrochel versus a typical iron supplement (ferrous sulfate) found that 15 mg/day Ferrochel was significantly more effective at improving iron status than 40 mg/day of ferrous sulfate, in spite of the lower dose.
(5) Does Not Block Absorption of Other Nutrients
Typical iron supplements, when dissolved in the stomach, become charged ions that can block absorption of other nutrients such as calcium, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Because Ferrochel chelate is ionically neutral (carrying no electrical charge), it does not block absorption of other nutrients.
(6) Non-GMO, Vegetarian, Hypo-allergenic, Kosher, Halal, BSE-free
Vitalah chooses Ferrochel for Prenatal Oxylent & Children’s Oxylent. Based in our commitment to superior quality, science-backed ingredients, Vitalah chooses Albion Ferrochel as the source of iron contained in Prenatal Oxylent and Children’s Oxylent daily multivitamin drink mixes. Albion Ferrochel is one of the ways that Prenatal Oxylent and Children’s Oxylent deliver superior quality, unique formulas that offer safe and effective nutritional support for optimal health.
CoQ10 (ubiquinone) vs. Ubiquinol form of CoQ10?
CoQ10 is found in every cell, tissue, and organ in the body, and is concentrated in those organs that require the most energy, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and muscles. It supports the body’s energy/ATP production, as well as providing antioxidant support. The form of CoQ10 in Oxylent is ubiquinone. Ubiquinol is a newer form of supplemental CoQ10, which entered the market in 2006. Both forms of CoQ10 are effective and provide vital support to health.
The efficacy of the ubiquinone form (in Oxylent) is well-established. Since at least the 1980s, many clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and health benefits of CoQ10—long before the development of the newer ubiquinol form. Some newer research has shown ubiquinol has been shown to be a more absorbable/bioavailable form. But since both forms are effective, the significantly higher cost if the ubiquinol form often makes it best used as a niche product for populations that specifically need it, such as those that have difficultly with the conversion of CoQ10 (ubiquinone) to ubiquinol.
Can Stevia Cause Reproductive Problems?
There is some misguided information out there linking stevia to reproductive problems (such as menstruation issues and infertility issues), but any such link has been discredited by current scientific evidence. The now-debunked claim linking stevia to reproductive problems stems from older mice/rat studies, which have since been refuted by many more reliable experiments that used the same study methods and used many more animals and found no effects of stevia on reproductive health. Even the authors of the mice studies themselves admit problems with their own studies, and one has since concluded that subsequent research has since led him to believe that stevia is completely safe for human consumption.
A systematic review of the past and current scientific evidence for stevia, recently published in the journal Phytochemistry, discusses this area of research (on stevia and fertility) in some detail includes references for many of these studies investigating stevia and reproductive health/fertility, if anyone would like further information. It also concludes that stevia is safe.
The citation for that review is: Geuns, JM. Stevioside. Phytochemistry. 2003 Nov;64(5):913-21. PubMed ID: 14561506.
Is the folate in Prenatal Oxylent synthetic folic acid or is it L5-Mthf?
We currently choose to formulate Oxylent with folic acid rather than methylated folate for the following reasons:
We want to ensure that Oxylent can benefit the largest possible audience in the most cost-effective way possible, and methylated folate is much more costly than folic acid, but not any more effective in the general population. For people without the MTHFR C677T gene mutation, methylated folate does not offer any more significant benefits than does folic acid. Studies comparing methylated folate and folic acid have found that the two forms have comparable bioavailability, physiological activity, and absorption, and that supplementing with either form is equally effective at improving folate status (in the general population). An additional concern with methylated folate is that it has been found to offer limited stability in comparison to the greater stability of folic acid.
We understand that for people with the MTHFR C677T gene mutation, methylated folate may likely be of more benefit that folic acid—current research suggests that the roughly 8-20% of people with this mutation can only convert 30-60% of folic acid into its biologically active form. We are continuing to look for ways to offer these people the methylated folate source they need for optimal benefit while also keeping Prenatal Oxylent affordable.
Which specific Citrus Bioflavonoids are included in Oxylent?
Oxylent contains the citrus bioflavonoid Quercetin, the most active of the bioflavonoids. The level of quercetin in Oxylent (10mg) approximates the median daily intake of quercetin with a typical Western diet. The primary dietary sources of quercetin are fruits and vegetables—particularly citrus fruits, apples, onions, dark berries—as well as parsley, sage, tea, olive oil, and red wine.
What is the difference between Ionic Minerals vs. Albion Minerals?
Isotope testing has shown significantly greater absorption of Albion® chelated minerals as compared with ionic minerals. The pathway for absorption of ionic minerals is not as efficient as the pathway for absorption of Albion chelates. Ionized minerals require an intermediate step of carrier proteins to transport the minerals across the intestinal wall—Albion chelates do not, resulting in an easier process of absorption.
Another advantage of Albion chelates over ionic minerals is that ionic minerals are ionically-charged—they have an electrical charge, whereas Albion chelates are neutral (they have no electrical charge). Charged minerals are reactive and can degrade other important nutrients like vitamins C, A, E, and B-vitamins. The advantage of a neutral Albion chelate is no interaction with or degradation of other nutrients or other dietary compounds. These are just two of the many reasons Vitalah is committed to the superiority of Albion chelated minerals.
Why does the adult formula not contain vitamin A or vitamin E?
Due to the necessary constraints imposed by serving size/packet size, we unfortunately cannot include every nutrient in Oxylent that we would otherwise like to.
We’re excited to include unique ingredients such as the powerful antioxidant enzyme Superoxide Dismutase, and a unique formula that includes 1000 I.U. of vitamin D, while at the same time acknowledging that we can’t include every nutrient in our packets. For adults who are looking to supplement with vitamin A and vitamin E, we recommend a high-quality cod liver oil supplement as an excellent choice that also provides the omega-3 essential fatty acids we all need. Nordic Naturals is our favorite brand of cod liver oil. Children’s Oxylent does contain vitamin A, providing 2500 I.U. per serving. Children’s Oxylent also contains 30 I.U. of vitamin E. Our Prenatal Oxylent also contains both vitamins A and E—2500 I.U. of vitamin A and 30 I.U. of vitamin E per packet.
Is the Superoxide Dismutase (& Catalase) in Oxylent Beneficial for Athletes?
Yes. Because Superoxide Dismutase is so effective at eliminating free radicals (each I.U. eliminates billions of free radicals) it is beneficial for all situations involving oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals—this includes sports/athletic performance and recovery. Athletes show a significant increase in oxidative stress after training sessions or strenuous exercise. But a recent study using the Superoxide Dismutase in Oxylent showed that supplementation promoted the reduction of that oxidative stress.
A 2007 study of healthy male half-professional athletes aged 20-30, who supplemented with the Superoxide Dismutase in Oxylent and other antioxidants daily for two months, showed that supplementation favored the reduction of oxidative stress associated with physical training. Additional preliminary studies have shown that supplementing with the Superoxide Dismutase in Oxylent:
- Supports the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response
- Supports the reduction of lactic acid build-up associated with physical stress and strenuous exercise
- Supports muscular recovery
- Supports an increased resistance to free radicals
Why do you use Stevia?
Vitalah chooses to use Stevia in all its Oxylent formulas rather than sugar or artificial sweeteners because of our commitment to quality in producing the most natural and health-promoting products possible. Oxylent’s Stevia is extracted from the leaf, not the stem, making it taste great. Stevia has a long record of safety as well as potential health benefits, making it an ideal natural alternative to both sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Stevia leaves have been used for centuries by native peoples with no evidence of harm, and Stevia also has an excellent safety profile in Japan, where it has been used in foods for several decades. Stevia has also been approved in Europe, and has “self-determination GRAS status” in the United States, meaning its safety is decided by experts in the subject based upon significant, published, peer-reviewed studies.
Stevia’s Glycemic Index
Stevia has a Glycemic Index of zero. It is carbohydrate-free and therefore does not affect blood sugar levels.
What is the Glycemic Index?
The Glycemic Index measures the increase in blood sugar level resulting from the consumption of a particular food or substance. It estimates how quickly and how high a certain food/substance can raise blood sugar levels. Foods high on the GI quickly spike blood sugar levels (resulting in a large insulin release), whereas foods ranked low on the GI scale do not. Knowing the GI of various foods can therefore help manage blood sugar levels.
Glycemic Index of Other Sweeteners
According to the International Tables of Glycemic Index (2008), the GI of other common sweeteners are as follows:
- Fructose: 15 +/- 4
- Sucrose (table sugar): 65 +/- 4
- Honey: 61 +/- 3
- Glucose: 103 +/- 3
The research I read said Superoxide Dismutase is destroyed by stomach acid, and could not be absorbed through the gastrointestinal system. Can you explain how it is absorbed by taking your product?
Until recently, effective supplementation of SOD (superoxide dismutase) and Catalase was limited by human digestion, since the antioxidant properties of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase were destroyed by stomach acid. But thanks to the recent innovation of microencapsulation, it is now possible to overcome this limitation.
Microencapsulation was developed specifically to allow Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase to remain bioactive after oral supplementation. The process involves coating the Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase with starch microspheres, which protects the Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase from being destroyed by the gastric acid in the stomach and allows for the delivery of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase to the intestines for sustained release and absorption. This exclusive encapsulation technology is patented by our suppliers.
The microencapsulated Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase contained in Oxylent has been used in published scientific studies that have shown its potential beneficial effects with respect to oxidative stress, cell damage, and DNA damage, as well as stress and fatigue linked to physical, cognitive, and behavioral performance.
Where is Superoxide Dismutase/Catalase produced in the body? What organ produces them?
SOD (superoxide dismutase) and Catalase are synthesized by the body and found in all body cells, and all organs, but in high amounts in red blood cells, the liver, and the brain.
The physiological importance of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase consists of their powerful antioxidant action. Superoxide Dismutase is one of the main antioxidant enzymes in the body, and was first isolated and characterized in the 1960s—its discovery represented a major breakthrough in our understanding of how the body defends itself against free radicals.
Free radicals arise both as by-products of necessary metabolic reactions as well as from external sources such as diet, radiation, and pollutants. In the scientific and medical literature, free radicals (and the oxidative stress and damage they cause) are associated with an ever-growing list of health challenges affecting nearly every bodily system.
Superoxide Dismutase levels decrease with age, and there is evidence that people with health issues often have increased oxidative stress/damage, suggesting that the antioxidant systems of the body are overwhelmed. Supplementing with the microencapsulated Superoxide Dismutase contained in Oxylent supports the body’s antioxidant defenses against free radicals, and thus helps protect the entire body from oxidative damage.
Oxylent is the only multivitamin drink that contains Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase. In addition to our unique blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, electrolytes, and other antioxidants, each packet of Oxylent contains 20 I.U. of Superoxide Dismutase, which statistically is shown to contain 3 I.U. of Catalase. Our Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase are derived from melon.
What is the ORAC value of Oxylent?
We do not currently measure the ORAC value of Oxylent, for the following reason: ORAC method measures only antioxidant activity against particular radicals; specifically it does not measure activity against superoxide radicals. Therefore, ORAC would not provide an accurate and complete measurement of Oxylent’s antioxidant activity.
In addition to secondary antioxidants such as vitamin C, Oxylent also contains 20 I.U. of the primary antioxidant SOD (superoxide dismutase), which statistically is shown to contain 3 I.U. of Catalase. Superoxide Dismutase neutralizes superoxide radicals, which are the most common free radicals in the body, arising within cells both as by-products of necessary metabolic reactions as well as from exposure to toxins such as pollution, diet, and radiation.
While the human body has evolved to produce Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase, there is evidence that people with health issues often have increased oxidative stress/damage caused by free radicals, suggesting that the Superoxide Dismutase and antioxidant systems of the body are overwhelmed. Superoxide Dismutase levels have also been shown to decrease with age. Furthermore, the formation and activity of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase depend upon adequate intake of many essential minerals, including selenium, copper, manganese, and zinc.
For these reasons, Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase have been added to Oxylent to help support the balance between pro-oxidant free radicals and our antioxidant defenses. Oxylent is the only multivitamin drink that contains Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase. Because ORAC does not measure the antioxidant activity of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase, we elect not to measure the ORAC value of Oxylent at this time.
Does Oxylent contain synthetic vitamins and minerals?
Even though nutrients in multivitamin/mineral supplements may be synthesized from a natural source, they can rarely claim to be “natural” because they require greater potency and consistency than can be obtained directly from the original source. This is also the case with Oxylent.
Indeed, it is quite difficult to maintain a distinction between “synthetic” and “natural” when talking about vitamins, minerals, and supplements.
On the one hand, even “natural” nutrients must undergo at least some processing, which thus alters their “natural” state; furthermore, “natural”-sourced vitamins also often contain artificial additives. Oxylent, however, does not contain any artificial additives, colors, sweeteners,
or preservatives.
On the other hand, the chemical structures of most nutrients are identical whether they are “natural” or “synthetic” in origin; in most cases the human body processes them the same and cannot detect any difference in them.
To complicate matters even further, there are some cases of synthetically sourced nutrients being more bioavailable than their natural-source counterparts. Folate is perhaps the best example; it is well established in the medical and scientific literature that supplemental folate is twice as bioavailable, on average, than food-source folate.
Vitamin B12 is another example. Food-source B12 is naturally bound to protein, a bind that must be broken apart during digestion in order for B12 to be absorbed by the body. In contrast, supplemental B12 is not bound to protein and does not require this digestive step in order to be absorbed by the body. This is an important advantage for anyone with compromised digestive or intestinal health, who may not be able to perform that digestive step efficiently.
There is a wide range of quality when it comes to multivitamin and mineral supplements, and the distinction between “natural” and “synthetic” is rarely the most important differentiator.
Superior quality is at the heart of Vitalah and our Oxylent formulas. We use only the highest-quality ingredients in their most absorbable form in order to deliver formulas of exceptional integrity and efficacy. Our use of Albion minerals reflects this commitment—Albion is the only chelated mineral manufacturer to have its minerals third-party validated and clinically demonstrated, by peer-reviewed scientific studies, to be better absorbed than common minerals. Oxylent is the only effervescent multivitamin that offers Albion minerals.
Does Oxylent contain synthetic vitamins and minerals?
The major bioflavonoids found in citrus fruits are diosmin, hesperidin, rutin, naringin, tangeretin, diosmetin, narirutin, neohesperidin, nobiletin, and quercetin. They are a subset of a larger group of beneficial plant substances known as polyphenols, and are deficient in diets containing large proportions of processed foods.
Citrus bioflavonoids have a synergistic relationship with vitamin C, and have been studied scientifically for 50 years. They have been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and signaling properties.
Because of these properties, they are associated with a range of health benefits, including neurological, cardiovascular, circulatory, and immune health. Free radical damage has been identified as an underlying mechanism in a wide variety of serious (and common) health issues affecting all major organ systems, and the antioxidant function of citrus bioflavonoids is thus an important part of nutritional support for health and wellness. For these reasons, Vitalah includes citrus bioflavonoids in its Oxylent multivitamin drink.
For further information, here are a couple of citations for recent reviews of citrus bioflavonoid research:
Hwang SL, et al. J Agric Food Chem 2012;60(4):877–85.
Benavente-García O, et al. J Agric Food Chem 2008;56(15):6185–205.
Where do Chromium and Niacin come from, and how do they compare to other forms of like ingredients?
There are many different forms of chromium that can be used in supplements, all of which combine chromium with various amino acids or organic acids: Chromium arginate is chromium combined with arginine; Chromium aspartate is chromium combined with aspartic acid; Chromium picolinate is chromium comined with picolinic acid; Chromium citrate is chromium combined with citric acid.
Vitalah uses Albion® Minerals TRAACS® chromium nicotinate glycinate chelate in our Oxylent products, which is produced by a patented process that chelates chromium with nicotinic acid and the amino acid glycine. Vitalah chooses this form because of the overwhelming depth of scientific research behind it. Albion is the only manufacturer that has proven that its amino acid-chelates are effective and safe, with over 180 scientific articles. Only Albion guarantees that their chelates will be absorbed and metabolized by the human body. That’s a strong statement, and they have a recent patent to back it up.
The term “mineral chelate” is overused and often abused in our industry, with many companies claiming that their minerals are chelated to improve bioavailability. But it is crucial to note that all published research on chelated minerals has been conducted using Albion Minerals. What this means is that other companies claiming to produce chelates use Albion’s research to give their products credibility.
The superior benefits of Albion Minerals revolve around the chemistry of their patented chelates and the importance of the bonds in those chelates. In order for any manufacturer to prove that minerals are true chelates, tests must prove the presence of chelate bonds. Albion uses test methods affirmed by unbiased, third-party chemists as capable of determining the presence of chelate bonds. TRAACS is Albion’s patented method of validating and quantifying the degree of chelation in their minerals.
The choice to use superior-quality Albion Minerals in Oxylent, Children’s Oxylent, and Prenatal Oxylent is one of the factors that makes our formulas unique. It also reflects Vitalah’s commitment to using only the highest-quality ingredients in their most absorbable forms.
Niacin and Niacinamide are two forms of vitamin B3, both of which are contained in our body tissues. Although they differ slightly, the absorption and actions of both forms are essentially the same, and they have a very wide range of metabolic function and activity in the body. Niacinamide is the main form of B3 found in dietary sources as well as most supplements. An advantage of niacinamide as a supplemental form is that it does not cause the phenomenon of “flushing” that some people experience when taking high doses of niacin. (Flushing is a harmless tingling sensation in the face and chest or bodywide, often with reddened/flushed skin). Because of the well-established efficacy and safety of niacinamide, Vitalah chooses this form of B3 in our Oxylent products.
Why is there no iron in Oxylent?
Oxylent is carefully formulated to ensure it can benefit the largest possible audience as a daily multivitamin for adults, and because research suggests that iron deficiency is uncommon among men and postmenopausal women, Oxylent is formulated without iron. Research also suggests that iron intakes are generally low in young children and that iron supplementation is recommended during pregnancy, and for these reasons Vitalah’s Children’s Oxylent and Prenatal Oxylent do contain iron.
Iron is essential to health and wellness, as it is a necessary component of proteins, enzymes, oxygen delivery, and cell growth and differentiation. But excess amounts of iron can accumulate in the body and result in toxicity. Therefore, since very little iron is excreted from the body in people who do not menstruate or give birth, individuals who are not iron deficient or do not have a greater need for iron should generally avoid iron supplementation unless recommended by his or her healthcare provider. Of course, this information does not replace medical advice and everyone should always consult with his or her healthcare provider before using any dietary supplement. We also always recommend getting your micronutrient levels tested to determine your individual nutritional needs.
Where can Superoxide Dismutase be found in food or diet? What foods have Superoxide Dismutase in it?
Superoxide Dismutase can be found in any living species. As it is highly sensitive to oxygen, light, and heating, once the food is processed, you won’t find a trace of it. Based on this, only the fruits and vegetable that can be eaten raw may have some traces of Superoxide Dismutase. The human body, as any other animal or plant, will produce its own Superoxide Dismutase as a powerful antioxidant. Superoxide Dismutase can be found in four types of metalloproteins. Everybody has Superoxide Dismutase in their circulating blood and major organs, such as in the liver to fight against the free radicals generated by digestion. Certain forms of Superoxide Dismutase are also present in the cytoplasm and the mitochondrias, to reduce the oxygen reaction in Superoxide anion.
Unlike the vitamins that you need to get through diet, everybody produces their own Superoxide Dismutase. But with many life stresses or aging, Superoxide Dismutase levels decrease. However, you could find traces of Superoxide Dismutase in any vegetable (with photosynthesis) or fruit..
Is SOD as effective to consume in food as it is in supplement because it’s microencapsulated?
Consuming in food itself doesn’t give effectiveness, as many fruits and vegetables have limited Superoxide Dismutase activity. The gastric pH will “dismantle” the enzyme (the protein) by destroying its structure. However, depending on the meal and digestion, some traces of Superoxide Dismutase could get through the gastric bowl and bring a small amount of active Superoxide Dismutase.
With EXTRAMEL®, you have a natural fruit from a hybrid variety that shows exceptional Superoxide Dismutase activity levels (the most powerful NATURAL source worldwide). Encapsulation protects Superoxide Dismutase from oxygen and light, and will be partially degraded to let good amounts of SOD be available in the intestine. Encapsulation is from vegetable origin. A daily dosage of 10 mg of EXTRAMEL microgranules (140 I.U. Superoxide Dismutase) is equivalen tto two small pieces of melon.
Why is DimaCal® used instead of the amino acid chelate for the calcium?
DimaCal is a form of calcium patented by Albion®. It is comprised of two moles of calcium attached to one mole of malic acid, a naturally-occurring organic compound that is more soluble than citric acid.
DimaCal is 29% elemental calcium. DimaCal was designed to give higher elemental calcium content and effectiveness than calcium carbonate and other salt forms, while also avoiding the unpleasant side effects of gas creation. DimaCal does not produce the acid rebound, bloating, and gas that is produced when calcium carbonate is dissolved by stomach acid.
Albion cites 2 third-party tests confirming the higher levels of absorption of DimaCal in comparison to calcium carbonate. DimaCal is GRAS, Kosher, GMO free, hypoallergenic, vegetarian, BSE free.
What is Ferrochel® Iron?
Iodine is essential for healthy thyroid function, and thus metabolic health. But the entire body needs iodine, not just the thyroid.
Research continues to uncover the many physiological roles that iodine plays in the body. In addition to the thyroid, iodine plays an important role in cognitive and gastrointestinal health, as well as in breast and prostate health.
An important rationale for including iodine in a multivitamin/mineral supplement is the scientific evidence showing that iodine deficiency or sub-clinical deficiency is more common than previously believed. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), from NHANES I (1971–1974) to NHANES III (1988–1994), the median urinary iodine concentration in the U.S. decreased by 50%.
Common causes of iodine deficiency include salt-restricted diets, low iodine levels in the soil, and several elements found in the environment that are similar to iodine in structure and compete for uptake from the intestines. (Iodine is an element in the halogen family, members of which also include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and astatine. These other halogens can compete with iodine for uptake from the intestines and can replace iodine in physiological reactions.) Research shows that iodine levels in the populace have fallen while levels of such other halogens have risen.
Why Stevia and not Xylitol?
We chose to use Stevia rather than sweeteners such as Xylitol with the intent of producing the most natural product possible. As stevia is a plant, we felt this was the best alternative to high levels of sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Stevia leaves have been used for centuries by native peoples with no evidence of harm, and stevia also has an excellent safety profile in Japan, where it has been used in foods for several decades. Stevia has also been approved in Europe, and has “self determination GRAS status” in the U.S, meaning its safety is decided by experts on the subject based upon significant, published, peer-reviewed studies.
What are “Natural Flavors”? What are they derived from?
Our flavorings are natural fruit extracts. The exact blend and specific fruits are proprietary, but it is safe to say that the fruits you see on the packets are in fact used in our flavorings. No artificial additives are used in Oxylent.
Why we choose to formulate Oxylent with folic acid rather than methylated folate?
We carefully formulate Oxylent to ensure it can benefit the largest possible audience in the most cost-effective way possible.
Methylated folate is much more costly form of supplemental folate than folic acid, but not any more effective (in the general population). For people without the MTHFR C677T gene mutation, methylated folate does not offer any more significant benefits than does folic acid.
Studies that have compared methylated folate and folic acid have shown that the two compounds have comparable bioavailability, physiological activity, and absorption, and that supplementing with either form is equally effective at improving folate status. An additional concern with methylated folate is that it has been found to offer limited stability in comparison to the greater stability of folic acid.
We understand that for people with the MTHFR C677T gene mutation, methylated folate may likely be of more benefit than folic acid. Current research suggests that the roughly 8-20% of people with this gene mutation can convert only 30-60% of folic acid into its biologically active form.
We are continuing to look for ways to offer these people the methylated folate source they need for optimal benefit while also keeping Oxylent affordable.
Why do we use retinol palmitate in addition to beta-carotene?
(1) Effectiveness
Retinol palmitate is often required for effective vitamin A supplementation since for many people, beta-carotene alone is not sufficient to produce adequate vitamin A blood levels. Some people convert beta-carotene to vitamin A well enough to meet their requirements for vitamin A, but many people do not–studies show that many people do not convert beta-carotene into vitamin A efficiently enough to meet and maintain adequate vitamin A levels through beta-carotene alone. For this reason, we use both beta-carotene and retinol palmitate as the source of vitamin A in Prenatal Oxylent.
(2) Safety
Retinol palmitate has an excellent safety record–studies have observed no increase in the risk of birth defects at doses of retinol palmitate below 10,000 IU/day. Expert organizations also recommend retinol palmitate as a source of vitamin A–the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation on Maternal Supplementation During Pregnancy states that “health benefits are expected for the mother and her developing fetus with little risk of detriment to either, from a daily supplement not exceeding 10,000IU vitamin A (retinyl palmitate and/or retinyl acetate) at any time during pregnancy.”
Is there enough lysine to balance the potential effects of Arginine in the presence of a viral infection?
Oxylent contains 175 mg arginine & 30 mg lysine. When considered in relation to the average per capita intake of arginine (which is over 5,000 mg/day) and the estimated daily lysine requirement (which is 800-3,000 mg/day), it is unlikely that daily Oxylent consumption would be a significant factor in virus replication. Oxylent contains approximately as much lysine as a pear or a peach, and approximately as much arginine as a serving of Brussels sprouts.
Although Superoxide Dismutase is present in the formula, is it enough to oxygenate the system because oxygen as a by-product of Superoxide Dismutase is such a complicated process?
We agree that the production of oxygen by Superoxide Dismutase is a very complex process. There is scientific evidence supporting our oxygenation claim, however. Oxylent contains a patented form of Superoxide Dismutase that has been shown to significantly increase Superoxide Dismutase plasma concentrations after supplementation. These increases have also been associated with improved clinical outcomes in human clinical trials.
Oxylent also contains Albion® minerals, supplementation of which has been shown to increase activity readings for the various isoforms of Superoxide Dismutase and to positively impact clinical situations.
Does Oxylent contain “Cofactors”?
Yes, Oxylent contains cofactors. Most of the vitamins and minerals in Oxylent function as cofactors, in fact. All the B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine, selenium, and molybdenum all function as cofactors.
In Biology and Biochemistry, Cofactors are defined as certain molecules that are required for enzymes’ biological activity. Cofactors can be considered as essential helper molecules, without which biochemical processes cannot function.
Cofactors are categorized into two classes: organic cofactors (called coenzymes—many of these are derived from vitamins) and inorganic or metallic cofactors (called essential ions—many of these are derived from minerals). Vitamins and minerals function as the cofactors required by the human body to function properly.
Is the calcium in Oxylent absorbable without vitamin K?
Yes. We choose Albion Minerals® as the source for the calcium and other minerals in Oxylent because of its superior quality and absorption. Bioavailability studies demonstrate the higher levels of absorption of Albion’s patented form of calcium compared to typical supplemental calcium—showing superior absorption over a longer period of time, resulting in improved calcium blood levels. Each packet of Oxylent provides 12% DV, or 122 mg, of calcium.
The average daily intake of vitamin K for most adults at or near the Daily Value of estimated daily need. Most people get enough vitamin K and thus do not need to supplement to support the absorption of the calcium in Oxylent. Of course every individual is different and we always suggest having your micronutrient levels analyzed to determine your own personal status and needs.
Does Oxylent contain vitamin B7 (biotin)?
Oxylent contains 100% or more of the RDA of several key B-vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, B6, and B12. Of course we also acknowledge that we are not able to include every nutrient in our packets.
Cofactors are categorized into two classes: organic cofactors (called coenzymes—many of these are derived from vitamins) and inorganic or metallic cofactors (called essential ions—many of these are derived froWhen formulating Oxylent we wanted to ensure it could benefit the largest possible audience as a daily multivitamin. Biotin deficiency is very rare, and studies have estimated that average daily intakes of biotin for adults meet the AI (adequate intake) levels of 35 mcg to 60 mcg/day. Of course we always suggest having your own personal micronutrient status checked by your health care provider.m minerals). Vitamins and minerals function as the cofactors required by the human body to function properly.
For adults concerned with their biotin intake, good dietary sources of biotin include Egg yolks, liver, yeast, pork, salmon, avocado. One thing to keep in mind, if you do choose to supplement with biotin in addition to Oxylent or another daily multivitamin containing pantothenic acid, is that there is also some evidence that large doses of pantothenic acid have the potential to compete with biotin for intestinal and cellular uptake (due to their similar structures). So you may want to take your biotin supplement at a separate time.
Why Does Oxylent contain 1,000mg of Vitamin C? Does vitamin C kill “good” bacteria like antibiotics do?
First, the 1,000 mg of vitamin C in Oxylent is a research-backed and expert-recommended dose.
Second, vitamin C does not “kill” bacteria, good or bad. Vitamin C has been shown to be effective in the inactivation/elimination of “bad” bacteria (such as Staph, Strep, and E Coli species), but it does not “kill” bacteria directly like antibiotics do. Instead, vitamin C eliminates bacteria by stimulating the body’s own immune system (in particular by stimulating immune cells like neutrophils and lymphocytes that then kill the bad bacteria). In this way, along with its antioxidant function, Vitamin C can be helpful against bacteria (as well as viruses and fungi), but it does not “kill” bacteria directly like antibiotics do. In fact, preliminary research suggests that vitamin C may improve the health of “good” bacteria and enhance healing times when compared with antibiotics alone.
Since vitamin D3 is fat-soluble and Oxylent is water-soluble, how do you ensure the Vitamin D3 in Oxylent is absorbable?
To make a fat-soluble nutrient such as vitamin D3 compatible with the water-based effervescent delivery system that we use in Oxylent, there are a number of proprietary manufacturing processes we use—these include creating beadlets or powders of vitamin D3 so that it can be dissolved in water when desired.
More info on vitamin D3 & absorption:
Because vitamin D3 is fat-soluble, it is typically recommended to take vitamin D along with food or a snack containing some dietary fat. However, there is published scientific evidence suggesting that an effervescent delivery system may increase the absorption of vitamin D even on an empty stomach.
A recent study showed that the CO2 bubbles in effervescence increased absorption of fat-soluble substances across the intestinal wall even on an empty stomach. (The mechanism that the researchers suggested as an explanation is that the CO2 molecules partition within the cell membrane, leading to increased absorption of fat-soluble substances like vitamin D3, even in the absence of food.)
In general, however, it’s important to keep in mind that human studies have compared taking vitamin D with food or without, or as a powder or as an oil, and have found that the differences in absorption are generally insignificant—taking vitamin D in the first place is far more important than how you take it.
(top of page)questions about ALLERGENS, flavors, medical, and safety profiles
At Vitalah we are very sensitive to allergen issues, and provide this information in order to be as transparent as possible regarding any potential allergens contained in our products. As per the 2006 labeling law, The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA), Vitalah products are certified to be free from all of the 8 major food allergens (milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts and soy).
Potential food allergens other than the top 8 outlined under FALCPA:
Oxylent contains a patented form of Superoxide Dismutase that has been shown to significantly increase Superoxide Dismutase plasma concentrations after oral supplementation. These increases were not found with other kinds of dietary/secondary antioxidants. These increases have also been associated with improved clinical outcomes in human clinical trials.
Used in our proprietary natural flavorings in the following flavors: Adult Oxylent—Sparkling Mandarin flavor only
Used in our proprietary natural flavorings in the following product: Children’s Oxylent
Used in our proprietary natural flavoring in the following products: Adult Oxylent—Sparkling Berries flavor only
Bioflavonoids (citrus)
Contained in all flavors of adult Oxylent. People with citrus allergies may be sensitive to bioflavonoids.
There is also some evidence that people with citrus allergy can benefit from supplementing with pantothenic Acid (vitamin B-5)—when adequate levels of B-5 are reached in the body (usually after a few weeks of supplementation), citrus/bioflavonoids will often no longer cause allergic reactions.
Manufacturer Recommendations
Our manufacturer advises that flavors generally do not cause allergic reactions. Allergen issues are very rare from the natural fruit flavors in Oxylent, likely because the flavors are produced using fruit essence/extract/distillate/etc., which yields a very low parts-per-million presence of any fruit in the final product.
Of the potential fruit allergens in Oxylent, our manufacturer advises that our natural citrus flavor would be more likely to cause a reaction than the strawberry, because the citrus flavors are made using citrus oils. Although the flavors are therefore likely safe, we recommend checking with your doctor or healthcare professional before using this supplement if there is any potential for allergic reaction.
Sugar Intolerances
People with intolerances to certain forms of sugar can safely consume Oxylent. There is no form of any sugar anywhere in the Oxylent product line. No sugar, no fructose, no dextrose—in any of our natural fruit flavors or anywhere else in Oxylent products.
Is there any knowledge of people with Lupus reacting to Stevia?
No. There are anecdotal reports that sugar can exacerbate inflammation and thus aggravate lupus, and some doctors recommend that people living with lupus should therefore avoid sugars. Stevia, however, has not been shown to cause any of these problems for people living with lupus. Because it is not a sugar or made from sugar, stevia does not raise insulin levels, which can lead to chronic inflammation, like sugars do. In fact, research suggests that stevia may even offer potential health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory properties and helping balance blood glucose levels at high intakes.
Can Stevia Cause Reproductive Problems?
There is some misguided information out there linking stevia to reproductive problems (such as menstruation issues and infertility issues), but any such link has been discredited by current scientific evidence.
The now-debunked claim linking stevia to reproductive problems stems from older mice/rat studies, which have since been refuted by many more reliable experiments that used the same study methods and used many more animals and found no effects of stevia on reproductive health. Even the authors of the mice studies themselves admit problems with their own studies, and one has since concluded that subsequent research has since led him to believe that stevia is completely safe for human consumption.
A systematic review of the past and current scientific evidence for stevia, recently published in the journal Phytochemistry, discusses this area of research (on stevia and fertility) in some detail includes references for many of these studies investigating stevia and reproductive health/fertility, if anyone would like further information. It also concludes that stevia is safe. The citation for that review is: Geuns, JM. Stevioside. Phytochemistry. 2003 Nov;64(5):913-21. PubMed ID: 14561506.
Can my child drink Oxylent if they have PKU?
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic/inherited amino acid disorder. Amino acid disorders are a class of genetic metabolic conditions that occur when certain amino acids (the building blocks for body proteins) either cannot be broken down or cannot be produced by the body, resulting in the toxic accumulation of some substances and the deficiency of other substances in the body. Individuals with PKU cannot break down the amino acid phenylalanine properly, causing it to build up in the blood and body tissues.
All newborns are screened for PKU, and it affects about one of every 10,000 to 20,000 Caucasian or Asian births. For children with PKU, treatment typically includes a diet very restricted in protein that requires supplementation with all amino acids except phenylalanine, as well as vitamins and minerals. Generally the diet becomes less restricted as children with PKU grow up, as the mature brain is less sensitive to phenylalanine.
Recent research shows that PKU patients are at increased risk of developing deficiencies of vitamins B6 and B12. Possible explanations for this increased risk include protein-restricted diets that often restrict consumption of animal products. One recently published study reviewing research in this area concluded that PKU patients need continuing dietary guidance throughout life, and suggested daily vitamin supplementation for all PKU patients.
Oxylent, Children’s Oxylent, and Prenatal Oxylent do not contain phenylalanine, and should therefore be a safe daily multivitamin supplement for PKU patients. In addition, all Oxylent mulitvitamin products are excellent sources of B6 and B12, as part of a full panel of other key essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients—all in one delicious drink. Of course this information does not replace medical advice or treatment, and Vitalah products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. All patients should always consult with their healthcare provider before using any dietary supplement.
Hvas AM, et al. J Inherit Metab Dis 2006 29:47–53.
Would this Oxylent product help someone with COPD (lung disease)?
Oxylent contains several nutrients that have been shown to support lung health and function. In addition, it also contains the unique ingredients SOD (superoxide dismutase) and Catalase, which are antioxidant enzymes that can be especially helpful in supporting lung health.
Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase can be especially helpful because they are powerful antioxidants, which protect cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Superoxide Dismutase is one of the main antioxidant enzymes in the body, and there is evidence that people with lung issues often have increased oxidative stress/damage, suggesting that the antioxidant systems of the body are overwhelmed. Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase can support the antioxidant defenses in the lungs.
Oxylent is the only multivitamin drink that contains SOD and Catalase. Each packet contains 20 I.U. of Superoxide Dismutase, which statistically is shown to contain 3 I.U. of Catalase. Our Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase are derived from melon.
In addition to Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase, other lung-supportive nutrients in Oxylent include vitamin C, which helps protect against irritants such as air pollution and smoke; CoQ10, which supports cells’ ability to use oxygen; vitamin B6, which supports a healthy immune and inflammatory response; and vitamin D3, which helps regulate the function of the immune system.
People with compromised lung health and function may have particular need for these and other nutrients, and it may be advisable to take 2 Oxylent packets daily rather than 1, in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Everyone should always consult with his or her healthcare provider before using any dietary supplement, of course.
Can Gastric By-Pass patients use effervescence?
Yes! In fact, researchers have concluded that lifelong continuous use of a multivitamin supplement is necessary for people who have undergone bariatric procedures such as gastric bypass surgery—and effervescence is an excellent choice. Due to the nature of bariatric procedures, the altered digestive tract may not be able to adequately break down pills. The nearly 100% bioavailability offered by the effervescent delivery system of Oxylent may be an ideal solution.
Several scientific studies have used effervescent nutritional supplements after gastric bypass, and effervescent supplements have been shown to offer superior bioavailability in bypass patients when compared to tablets. (Sakhaee K, et al. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2011 Dec 3. [Epub ahead of print]).
Although many bariatric patients are advised to avoid carbonated beverages, the key point to remember is that carbonation and effervescence are not the same thing. Effervescent supplements are safe and effective for bariatric patients and post-op gastric bypass. For more information about Bariatrics, click here.
Does stevia interfere with ragweed allergies or make them worse?
Many people with ragweed allergies can safely consume stevia without any problems at all. But it is possible that people with ragweed allergies may experience an allergic reaction to stevia. The reason is that stevia and ragweed are in the same family of plants—the Asteraceae/Compositae family. This family is one of the largest plant families in existence, with over 23,000 species, and includes other common plants such as dandelion, marigold, sunflower, echinacea, chamomile, yarrow, daisies, chrysanthemums, and many others. People with ragweed allergies should thus exercise caution when consuming stevia until you know you can do so safely.
Can Gastric By-Pass patients use effervescence?
Legally, we must first say that Oxylent products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition, that information we provide does not replace medical advice or treatment, and that all patients should always consult with their healthcare provider before using any dietary supplement.
That being said, a growing body of scientific research investigates the importance of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) for brain function and mental health. This research shows that adequate intake of vitamins and minerals is essential to many of the physiological processes that comprise mental health and brain function.
Researchers have identified several ways that vitamins and minerals may support brain function and mental health— including promoting the production of energy/ATP in the brain, optimizing the production and function of neurotransmitters, and helping to correct metabolic errors that slow key reactions.
Studies have also shown that supplementation of vitamins and minerals may support cognitive and behavioral improvements in adults with mental health issues.
(top of page)QUESTIONS about Label and storage
How do the I.U. on our label compare to the usual milligrams?
I.U. (International Units) and milligrams measure different things. I.U. measure the biological activity/potency of an agent. Milligrams (or micrograms, grams, etc.) measure its mass/weight.
The goal of I.U. (which is set by The WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization) is to allow comparison among different forms of biological agents regardless of their mass. For example, I.U. allow beta-carotene and retinol, as different forms of vitamin A that have different mass/weight, to be compared. Beta-carotene and retinol have different mass but can be standardized by number of I.U.
Milligrams will be the same regardless of the substance being measured (1 mg vitamin A = 1 mg vitamin D = 1 mg vitamin E, for example). But since I.U. differ by substance/agent, there is no equivalence between I.U. of different agents (1 I.U. of vitamin E cannot be equated with 1 I.U. of vitamin D, for example).
Can Oxylent be frozen into ice cubes and still maintain the nutrients?
Yes. We recommend drinking Oxylent within 30 minutes of adding to water, as the potency does begin to decrease after about 30 minutes. Some potency will be lost when making Oxylent popsicles, but once frozen, most of the nutrients will be retained.
How do Oxylent packets hold up to heat (for example, in a car for a long time or backpacking)?
Heat should not have any detrimental effects on the packets as long as they remain airtight, i.e. as long as the seal is not torn or broken. Extreme heat could cause the packets to burst however, so caution should be used in circumstances involving extreme heat—Oxylent should not be left in cars in extremely hot climates, for example.
(top of page)questions about 3rd party certification AND product purity
Why Don’t You Have the USP Seal On Oxylent?
There are a number of verification programs available for dietary supplements (including USP, ISO NSF, NPA, etc.), all of which aim to ensure safety and quality.
Some of these verifications/certifications are of more value than others, however, because not all of them cover all of the requirements set forth by the FDA current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs).
The FDA issued cGMPs for dietary supplements in 2007, with a final completion date of the end of 2009—these FDA cGMP requirements are currently the gold standard for our industry. Since the FDA does not directly certify companies, companies such as ours obtain certification from third-party certifiers that verify companies as meeting or exceeding cGMP requirements.
NSF International is a third-party certifier that inspects and certifies companies as meeting or exceeding the FDA cGMP requirements. Other certifying agencies, such as USP, are of less value because they do not cover all of the requirements set forth in the FDA cGMPs.
For these reasons, our manufacturer is NSF-certified rather than USP-verified.
Can CO2 from the effervescence increase CO2 in the body?
We have not seen any research linking effervescent consumption with significantly increased CO2 in the blood. Effervescence (unlike carbonation) is a simple chemical reaction started by water, and once no more carbonate or organic food acid remains, the effervescent reaction comes to a stop and CO2 stops being created. The chemical reaction is quite rapid and typically ceases within a minute or so.
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